Sherry Ingbritsen

When speaking with a prospective student, the first question they ask is” are you doing classes online or have you opened back up”? My response is basic: “Currently we are doing classes online, as we have been since the beginning on the Covid-19 pandemic. We are following strict DOE guidelines, along with the CDC, WHO and the state regulations. Once we are released and are permitted to open, we will begin to bring our students back on campus”. I always let them know that our current students, including the newest class that started online, are doing very well. They have all found their way thru the process and are not missing out on anything. We are taking good care of them. Have they had to make adjustments? Of course they have, and so have the faculty and staff. The clinical portion of their program for the most part has been put off till they return to campus, but has been replaced with more didactic classes for now.
However, there are a few Instructors who are still doing some types of clinical and “virtual” hands on classes, to keep the students as involved as possible. I have had the pleasure of being part of a class with one such instructor who is working hard to have the students do their Orthopedics class with live visuals. While it can be difficult to maneuver the laptop screen around so the “patient and doctor” can be seen, they get a better feel of what the topics of discussion are all about. He will describe the symptoms, explain the processes using strict medical verbiage, and show them on the patient what to do and how to make an accurate diagnosis. These small details may sound simple, but to a student looking to become an Acupuncture Physician, these details make a complete difference in their understanding.
So, are the students wanting to be back on campus? Definitely! But, are they learning and being fully prepared to take the next step in their education and career? Absolutely! In a nutshell, to be a good “online learning student”, after having started as an “on campus student”, the first thing to do was to get themselves organized. To find a quiet, comfortable spot in their home to set up their own “classroom space”. Then have all their materials set up and ready. We tell students “Nothing has changed except your location”. The hours and days of their classes are the same. The Instructors and classmates are the same. The materials are the same. What’s different is the “where”. These are some strong, independent, intelligent students here at East West College of Natural Medicine. We are so proud of how they have managed their way thru this pandemic, and for the most part, with very little issues. We applaud their attentiveness and their positive attitudes, amidst what has been a very tough and trying situation.
We will “safely” welcome our faculty and students back on campus, once we know more and are able to open, whenever that will be. We also welcome those of you wanting to become an Acupuncture Physician, to contact our Admissions Department at 941-355-9080 and find out how YOU can change your future. We want to help you earn your Masters of Science in Oriental Medicine (MSOM) degree, and be able to help you help others.